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Ignoring Livestock: the webinar

Are you concerned that your dog might pull you around when you're near sheep? 

Do you worry that your dog's recall isn't strong enough, especially around distractions like grazing sheep and cows? 

Are you unsure how to handle your young dog when taking a walk in sheep-rich areas? 

If you want to ensure that your dog can be handled with livestock in emergency situations, keep reading! 

I'm thrilled to offer the webinar of my popular workshop!

In this webinar you will learn:

- A swift recall, even in the presence of movement.  

- The skill to ignore grazing sheep, allowing you to walk past them without a fuss. 

- Techniques to improve impulse control using the power of play.

- Strategies for redirecting your dog's prey drive toward you instead of the environment. 

- An understanding of livestock welfare and your dog's needs, ensuring their happiness even without herding sheep all day. 

The webinar will be available for you forever on this platform!

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Ingoring Livestock: the webinar£22

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  • 1xIngoring Livestock: the webinar£22

All prices in GBP
